
Ice Cream Truck

In "Ice Cream Truck" by W. Roger Carlisle, the melody triggers a frenzy of desires. Explore the poetic journey of childhood longing, as the tantalizing treats become symbols of greedy ...
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Snow Cream

Brenda Kay Ledford's "Snow Cream" takes us to a log cabin nestled in the Matheson Cove, where snowflakes and icicles adorn the scenery. Join the author in a heartwarming adventure ...
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An Old-Fashioned Christmas

In 'An Old-Fashioned Christmas' by LaVern Spencer McCarthy, journey back to a time when sawdust floors, hallelujahs, and Santa's secrets filled the air. Delight in the innocence, love, and gratitude ...
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He Never Gave Me a Pony

Journey into Shadows: 'He Never Gave Me a Pony' by Gia Porter. Witness the Unfulfilled Desires and Haunting Regrets of a Broken Promise, a Story That Lingers Long After the ...
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