Short Stories

Ninety Seconds to Midnight

As the doomsday clock ticks down from ninety seconds, Liam Kerry’s flash fiction exposes the peril of leaders too proud to avert catastrophe. Witness the tension of a world on the brink.
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Crossing Borders

Tayah Groat’s short non-fiction story reflects on her move from the U.S. to Spain, exploring cultural differences and personal growth. Discover the unique challenges and discoveries of adapting to life abroad.
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Would She Care to Dance?

In Julia Hawkins' short story, a chance meeting at a bar leads to an unexpected dance, sparking a moment of joy and connection. Discover the allure of spontaneous encounters in this captivating tale.
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Then, An Ever Present Now

Kelly Neal’s flash fiction weaves a tale of patience and memory, capturing the rhythm of life through the imagery of weaving. Explore the blend of timelessness and change in this evocative narrative.
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Mystery Task

Susan Cornford’s Mystery Task blends myth and science fiction in a world where small metallic capsules are mistaken for ancient space ships. A curious Umpha’s mysterious compulsion to record and transmit their findings raises unsettling questions.
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In Traditions, Kelly Piner captures the warmth and nostalgia of a long-held Thanksgiving ritual. As Frances and Dale arrive at the charming country retreat, the setting's festive decor and familiar aromas deepen their connection to cherished traditions and each other.
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Final Regrets

Phil Temples’ "Final Regrets" captures a fleeting moment of terror as Sydney faces an oncoming semi-truck. Instead of reliving cherished memories, his last thought is of an unfinished promise—washing the dirty dishes at home.
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