Written Tales Publishing Schedule

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I Sit Apart From You

Jackie Chou is a poet of Japanese short-form poetry and free verses from Southern California. Her collection of poems, Finding My Heart in Love and Loss, can be purchased on Amazon. Besides writing, she loves to watch Jeopardy and talent competitions on TV.

The Way

Luisa Kay Reyes has had pieces featured in "The Raven Chronicles,” “The Windmill,” “The Foliate Oak,” “The Eastern Iowa Review,” and other literary magazines. Her essay, "Thank You,” is the winner of the April 2017 memoir contest of “The Dead Mule School Of Southern Literature.”

Encomium to Low Wage Earners

Andy Oram is a writer and editor in the computer field. His editorial projects have ranged from a legal guide covering intellectual property to a graphic novel about teenage hackers. Print publications where his writings have appeared include The Economist, the Journal of Information Technology & Politics, and Vanguardia Dossier.

humpty dumpty is back

Persis R Singh is a pseudonymous Fiji-born writer. ’No Crying Aloud,’ her first book of poems, was snapped up by a university press a decade ago. Fearful of family backlash, the author decided against publishing at that time.

The Cello Maker

David Andersen is a retired computer systems design engineer. His chapbook story, A Little Kid Remembers WW2, appears in Written Tales Chapbook Volume XI. He is also a former musician, composer and arranger. During a lifetime as a woodworker, he built two harpsichords.

The Old King by the Roadside

Andromeda resides in Houston, TX where she works as a Graphic Designer by trade. Exploring different creative avenues has led her to embrace her love of writing poetry. Her poems have appeared in chapbooks and literary magazines such as Written Tales, Quarter Press, Ink Babies, and online presses like D.U.M.B.O Press.

The Seahorse That I Am

Dodie is a shy, quiet woman who likes to write poetry to help express how she feels.


Kimberly Madura is an author and social worker. She lives in Vermont.


Abdul Abdul is a College Instructor from the Philippines with a Master in History. He was an author/contributor in THE AFTERMATH: A STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL (2022), NOWHERE NEAR HOME (STRIPES LITERARY MAGAZINE: Issue 1 Vol. 2) (2022), FREEDOM (TalesFromTheOtherLand Group, 2021), COAST to COAST (2020), TALES AND TWISTS (2019).

view published articles on writtentales.substack.com.