Step into the world of "Finding Santa Claus" by Mark Ready, where a family in Kamiah, Idaho, finds strength and joy in the face of adversity. As they gather around their table, they realize that the true spirit of Christmas is not found in presents, but in the love and resilience that binds them together.
Finding Santa Claus

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Returning: Passage to Perfection
Guest Author
August 15, 2023
In "Returning: Passage to Perfection," a poem by Gurupreet Khalsa, the reader is taken on a journey through the tangled emotions of life's struggles. This ...
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Animal Spirits 4-1-9
Guest Author
December 17, 2023
In Animal Spirits 4-1-9, George Wehrfritz crafts a metafictional tale about a desperate gamble to save a writer's career and health. Set against the backdrop ...
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